We were delighted to find a different Liberia than the one we left two years ago. Although the unemployment is 80% and people are still in need of so many basics like food, shelter and medical care…the atmosphere is more one of rebuilding, a new focus. When a country comes out of 14 years of horrendous civil war the aftermath will take many many years to recover from. The Liberians seem to be united behind their new President, Africa’s first woman President, Madame Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and much headway is being made toward restoring electricity, water and repairing roads. They are FAR from being fully operational but there are some lights on in the city at night and the water plant is able to provide some water to the larger companies and pumping stations. For the majority of Liberians there is still no electricity nor running water. It is good to see that humanity is returning to a place who had lost their focus on God in order to get to the place where forcing children to kill was accepted. Talking with a Liberian Pastor that was here during the entire war I was amazed to hear him attribute the war to the very thing our pastor at home talked about 4 years ago - - It was the lack of Godly people passing down their Godly heritage from one generation to the next to eventually it dies out. When they got to the generation that no longer desired to follow Christ they got involved in many different secret societies. The only way for many years to have a job or to maintain your position in government was to belong to the society (foremost society was Masons). The children were brought up seeing parents going to church and saying one thing on Sunday and then demonstrating their true faith during the week which led to a Godless society and evil was ripe to come in and separate and disunify this country.
I took some time to go out with our Mercy Ministries Coordinator to do an assessment on two orphanages. We have decided the correct term might be Children’s Homes because not all these children are true orphans. Many were abandoned or separated from their parents during the war. The unfortunate thing is that many of these children will never be r
We also have been traveling about 45 minutes out to the Christian Orphanage and Agricultural Center to check up on a home for our friends Mark and Zana Elliott. That is the orphanage they worked at last time they were here. More on that place next time or this letter could be turned into a book very quickly. Needless to say there will be some opportunities there for you to get involved and we’ll share those with you also.
The sea trials for the Africa Mercy are scheduled for March 28 and 29. It has been approved by the shipyard and certifying agency so it looks like it is happening. Those in England are working around the clock to move on some necessary pieces of equipment and set up the galley for the sail. If she passes with flying colors she will instantly move to a berth north of Newcastle for the loading process. If she does not pass she will have to return to the shipyard. Seeing as it has taken 7 years to get her out of that shipyard your prayers would be appreciated to release her.
As always, it is my privilege to share some of the 6,000 pictures I have already accumulated in our 3 years with Mercy Ships. Please click below to view:
We appreciate your traveling through this journey with us with you concern, thoughts, prayers and support. We love getting emails from you and know that we ALWAYS have time to read and respond to you, our friends.
* Successful sea trials of the Africa Mercy
* God’s perfect timing to deliver the new ship into Africa
* Susan’s back still causing a lot of pain
* God’s direction where for us to get involved and how we can help while here - - there are so many needs.
With Love and Appreciation,
Robert & Susan Blanchard