Sunday, June 25, 2006

Want to be Buried In a Golf Bag?

Majo – means good evening in Twi, the local Ghanaian language. We have had classes for two hours each day for a week and some very basic Twi (pronounced Twee) was part of the lesson. Other things included some of the local culture such as NEVER use your left hand to touch another person, shake hands, point with or gesture with. It is highly offensive to them because this is the hand they use to address bodily functions. Africans are also an inclusive society which means that everything that is in their view belongs to them and they don’t understand and will question your Christianity if you aren’t willing to share or give them everything that belongs to you - - even your toothbrush! We are also back in the land where men hold hands but no public demonstrations of affection between men and women, even if married. They told of a story of westerners coming to the YWAM base in Ghana and after a week this group approached the leadership team to say they had a serious problem with homosexuality among their students. We also learned why they form a conga line and dance up to the offering plate several times during a church service. It comes from the verse that says that God loves a joyful giver. And their church services usually run 4 hours because it is the only time they spend socializing and celebrating – the rest of the week is spent trying to provide for the family. It is not uncommon for them to stop their service about half way through, escort out all of us then reconvene to continue church. It’s not rude, actually, they are thinking of us. They know we are not use to the heat or the lengthy service so they are trying to spare us any discomfort. The Ghanaian people are very polite and friendly. They are formal and do not like calling you by your first name so if you are their same age they will add “brother” or sister” to your name. If you are slightly older than they are they will call you “uncle” or “auntie” to your name. But I get called “momma Susan”. That’s when you are really old!

It is also custom to bury a person in a coffin that looks like something the person enjoyed during their lifetime or in something that reminds others of their life. You will see one of the pictures of a group of coffins which include a rooster, lion, beer bottle, lobster, or ship. Robert decided he wanted to be buried in the lion coffin, I want to be buried in a Coca-Cola bottle and our friend Kevin said he wanted to be buried in a golf bag. The other day our friend Jean witnessed a funeral procession and the person was being buried in a boom-box. The music was blaring and his friends were dancing in the streets. The Africans celebrate every aspect of your life. Your birth because you made it here, when you have passed your 5th birthday because most deaths are in children under 5, puberty, marriage and yes, even your death because you ran the race and made it to the end.

Robert has joined the fire team on board and is an alternate on the patient transport team. On the fire team he is the “Hose Man”. His job consists of getting the hoses laid out, connected and charged up to the point of entry for the fire team. He also ties off the last firefighter going into the fire so that they can be pulled out in case of emergency and assisting with the rescue of victims.

After a patient comes out of surgery the Transport Team is paged overhead and the team goes to the Recovery Room and rolls the patient to the top of the stairs that go down into the ward. There they hook them up to a pulley system that allows them to be lowered down the stairs while still on the stretcher. This will not be a problem on the Africa Mercy because surgery and the ward are on the same floor.

Jessica has had a great week and we she has been a blessing to so many people. My Head Housekeeper told me the other day that Jessica is one of the hardest working pleasant young person she has met. It didn’t take Jessica but 2 days after getting here that she had so many new friends that Robert and I have to make an appointment with her to see her anymore. That is a good thing and Robert and I keep an eye on her sometimes from a distance when she doesn’t even know it. It’s been great having her here with us because her exuberance reminds us of when we first got on board and everything (including the cockroaches she takes pictures of) was “way cool”!

Jessica got her first exposure to the “high pressure” sales of the market yesterday. Grabbing and pulling you into their stores – “Special price for you my friend” and then charging you twice as much as the locals. Robert placed himself behind Jessica and I in front to give her some protection but still they are good at getting to you. Jessica has a lot to learn - - we finally realized she was buying things she didn’t want just not to hurt their feelings… was so cute so we would have to say no for her. But she is a quick study because before we had been in the market 30 minutes she underbid me on an item I had just bought for 30,000 Cedes more! The guy that sold it to her told her not to tell her mom that he gave it to her cheaper. Jessica is learning that there is so much going on here that you could keep yourself busy with friends, groups, meetings, working, prayer meetings, etc 24 hours a day and she is trying to find that balance how much to say yes to and when to draw the line. She has a very level head, sometimes more so than me in this area.

We need your prayers for Monday and Tuesday. It is our first screening day in this area. All of us will be involved in one way or another. Jessica has signed up to work with the children that come for medical screening. I am on the prayer team that gets to explain to the terminally ill why we cannot help them and then pray for them and see how else we can serve them until they die. Robert has to stay on board because we need Fire Team on the ship in case of emergency. The screening marks the start of our official field service to Ghana. The patients will start arriving to the ship very soon and our wards will be filled with patients. The aft deck will be filled with children from the ward playing on the swings. Life on board will be in full swing as we continue to say goodbye to crew members that have served many years and hello to newly appointed crew.

Thank you so very much for your prayers, thoughts and support. Our new phone number on the ship is: 954-538-4258. It is a long-distance call for you to Florida only, not to Ghana so please do not hesitate to call anytime. We are 4 hours ahead of EST (Michigan), 5 hours ahead for our Texas family, and 7 hours ahead for my sister in Arizona. As always emails are so very welcome and believe me – we are busy, but NEVER too busy to read notes from our friends, in fact, we daily look for letters from home with great anticipation.


For medical screening days – that every patient God intends to touch through our services will not be hindered in any way from making it to the screening. For the prayer team to have great discernment through prayer for every denied or terminally ill patient. That the patient’s wait will be comfortable and they are shown the love of God through each of our crew. Some have walked or traveled through several countries only to wait in our screening lines 12 hours or more.

For Jessica to absorb all that God has for her while she is here. To allow God to help her process the things that she sees and not be overwhelmed by the sights. That when the time comes for her to leave she will have been forever changed and focused.

Health (as always) for all crew. There are some minor colds and sore throats going around right now. These are still potentially hazardous to the patients in their weakened state.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Back In Africa

It’s unbelievable that 11 days have passed since arriving on the Anastasis here in Tema Ghana. At times it feels shorter but most times it feels much, much longer. Not in a bad way but when we came back aboard it felt like an old comfortable home that we left. We probably knew at least ½ the crew by name and remembered how to get around the ship. Not being lost and not being able to find the bathrooms IS a big deal here. So we were ahead of the game. The ship has a peace about it I’ve never known before. I know that the majority of that is due to the prayers of many faithful people praying for the transition of the two ships and for those that are leaving their home of many years. There is an understated sadness among long-term crew as they leave their homes, school, friends, work and ministry. When you leave a ship you leave so many aspects of your life behind. By the end of this month most of those not moving onto the Africa Mercy will be gone and we will miss their faces in the halls, we will miss the contribution they have made.

Our first week and a half have not been without adventure. That’s what we love about Africa - - there is an adventure is every small thing. So far every time I’ve has driven into town I’ve had a big-small (translation: medium) incident. The first time I went with Naomi, the outgoing Crew Services Manager to Accra which should be about a 45 minute drive. Not for us! We were lost on the same road back and forth for nearly 3 hours. The Ghanaian people are so helpful they believe it nearly a sin if you don’t help a stranger. So if your car is pointed in one direction and you ask how to get somewhere they will point in that direction and say “go straight-straight” (that’s different than straight, or straight left you know) even if you should be going in the opposite direction. We were up and down that road so many times the locals started waving and laughing at us. Then a nearly naked man painted like the Ghana flag jumped in front of the Land Rover wearing only Calvin Klein briefs, super-fly sunglasses and a box on his head. He would not move. People started crowding the vehicle and yelling at us to give him money for him to move. There is one thing you don’t want to mess with and that’s a hot, tired, thirsty old woman! I wouldn’t budge and he wouldn’t move. So we sat eye-ball to eye-ball and I started praying. Didn’t take long after that and he moved. After we found the market we were in search of I was followed to the car by a rather large man who cornered me as I opened the door of the vehicle. He said to me “You’re Fat!” To which I responded “Thank you very much, I didn’t know that!” Now in America that would be so very rude but not so here. That is a great compliment. The larger the woman the wealthier and healthier she must be. He then broke out into a marriage proposal. When I told him I was already married he said there was enough for him to share! On the way home we started getting low on fuel because this was to be a 3 hour maximum trip that turned into a 6 hour trip. What we didn’t know was there was a diesel shortage in the town. We stopped at 9 gas stations looking for fuel and by the time we got within 20 minutes of the ship and running on fumes we found fuel. A few days later I threw a going away party for Naomi at a local Chinese restaurant. It is a 20 minute ride which turned into a 2 hour and 40 minute trip one way because the Land Rover following us broke down, had to be push started in the midst of heavy traffic. It was a great evening and the total bill for the night for 14 people was nearly 3 Million Cedi. The exchange rate is 10,000 to $1.00. The largest bill they have here is a 20,000 Cedi. Robert is very proud of the fact that what he told me many years ago has finally come true “Stick with me and I’ll make you a millionaire”.

The absolutely greatest news since we have been here is that Miss Jessica Behmlander arrived here Friday night. Teary-eyed but with a smile that would not end, Jessica stepped out into the African night where we met her at the airport. She couldn’t stop saying “So Cool!” Jessica also broke an all-time Mercy Ships’ record. It only took her 5 minutes from the airport to the first toll booth before the toll operator reached in the back window, patted her hand and asked her to marry him. We were all surprised - - never seen it happen so fast. Jessica has already experienced a typical market place, been cheered in the streets for being a Mercy Shipper, dance performances by a youth group, involved in a Ghanaian riot parade over the World Cup, church service and dancing up to the offering plate. Her eyes are so huge as she watches out of the car window. Her presence here is so good for us. Not that Africa has become old hat for us but now we get to see it all over again through the eyes of a very excited teenager. It reminds us of why we love this country and its people. She is going to have an awesome time. Thank you Tom and Jeanne for trusting us with your most precious gifts.

Medical screening will be next week, June 26 and 27. This is where any patient with cataracts, VVF, cleft-lip, tumors or orthopedic needs will be tested and examined to see if it is possible for us to operate. This time it is a 2 day event. Jessica is signed up to help with the children during screening, Robert wants to escort patients and I have signed up to pray with those that are terminal or cannot be helped by the types of surgeries we can perform and to explain why. We have gone into the area called “New Town” in which Jessica will be with the dental team starting in the next two weeks. She is already starting to make connection with the children there and she will come home very different than when she left. Jessica found out that whenever we are invited somewhere we are expected to talk or offer a word of encouragement to the people. On her first day in Africa she was brought before the Youth group that performed for us and she did a great job of encouraging and thanking the children.


Upcoming screening – for order, peace and calmness. That those that come to seek medical help that do not know the Lord will be attracted by Jesus in us.

Another delay for the Africa Mercy has been announced due to bankruptcy of one of our suppliers causing essential equipment to be resourced. Please pray for those crew members’ perseverance and faithfulness.

Susan’s department as they move in a new direction under her leadership. For unity, an attitude of customer service, excellence, teamwork and servant’s heart.

To find what God has intended for us to invest our extra time in. There are soooo many opportunities, all of which are worthy, but to know where we can and should make a difference.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


I think we can safely say (for now) that this is our last packing session coming out of England. This is our least favorite thing to do as Robert's face clearly demonstrates! Hummm, thinking about the number of times we have packed in the last two years ....what would be your guess? Four, six? The surprising winning total is 17! That is totally incredible. Now you understand why this is our least favorite thing to do.

I'm beginning to think when we leave Mercy Ships we should start a "Packing Ministry". Maybe we could offer written instructions on what missionaries should take and not take, how to simplify their lives by just giving it all away and carry a toothbrush in your back pocket.

As we leave England we think back on some of the work we have accomplished while here. Robert, in my opinion, is the best welder I've known. Not that I've known a lot but I know he takes pride in every single weld he does and strives for excellence in everything he does. Many of you asked for more welding pictures so here they are!

As for me - - I've been concentrating on inventories, new inventory software that needs all our data input, staffing both ships, designing web information for the Africa Mercy intranet, developing the library systems, budgets and a few odds and ends in the middle of that. I went aboard our last day at work and took a picture inside the library for you. We have shelves in half of the library - - now we just need funding to finish out the shelving and furniture requirements. The library will be able to hold about 4,000 books, 400 VHS and DVDs. I hope to also have a children's corner decorated with overstuffed animal bean bag chairs (alligators, lady bugs, etc). Things like that will take time and the first thing I must concentrate on is establishing and supplying each area so that they can function and give it a good solid foundation.

This may not mean anything to most of you but family will understand - - I threw a "Pig Party" this week. These roasted pig sandwiches have become legendary here amongst my friends. I've been told I should set up shop because the Brits would love them. It is an old family recipe that comes out of the hills of Arkansas. We never suspected anyone else would like them and it was quit by accident that anyone was able to pry even one sandwich out of my greedy little hands to have a bite. Robert and I were making them for ourselves one Sunday when we thought all our roommates would be gone all day. Just as the pig came out of the oven 3 hungry boys (men really - - but when you're my age most people are boys) came through the door with pitiful faces. How can you refuse but to offer them some. The only stipulation I made was IF they didn't like them they were not to gag them down but give it right back because Robert and I would certainly eat them. Fortunately and unfortunately, they loved them and it became a house favorite. Then they started spreading the word to their friends and on pig night people just kept dropping by around dinner. Here is our last Pig Party.

Well precious friends and family - this will be the last communication for a little while as we leave here on Wednesday Morning (June 7). We will make it to the Anastasis that night but will take a few days to get our bearings and access to computer again. AND GUESS WHAT? We get to make pack # 18 after we get on board because we are going into a temporary cabin until our cabin is ready and may take 2-3 weeks. I thought I'd leave you with a parting Leadership Protrait that will be part of the Anastasis history. This along with my professional bio will hang in the lobby of the ship for people to get to know leadership. I only had a day's notice so Daniel and I ran outside in front of a bush - Daniel's a great phtographer, I only wish I had more to give him to work with.


  • Morale and direction for Mercy Ship crew staying to finish Africa Mercy
  • Wisdom, compassion, and quick study for those of us joining existing Anastasis crew as they prepare to leave shortly after our arrival
  • Cohesiveness for Crew Services - attitude of excellence with a servant's heart
  • Protection over luggage and a smooth arrival in Ghana
  • To pass through customs quickly and without hassle
  • Weight of baggage within limits - we only get 88 lbs each.

Thank you - talk with you again as soon as we get established.

Blessings - Susan and Robert