I told you I would write when we got State-side, what I did not tell you is that it would take me 8 weeks to do it. I’m actually having writing withdrawals AND a big dose of guilt that it has been so long. Let me see if I can consolidate the last 8 weeks into a few paragraphs for you.
The flight home could not have been anymore perfect, even arriving an hour early but Robert’s mother was there already to pick us up. I thought we would get at least a few days to rest but by 10am we were out negotiating for a new truck. Then that afternoon it was a visit to set us up with cell phones. Robert’s cell is 832-444-0238 and mine is 832-444-5586 if anyone would like to call us we’d love to hear from you. Then the technology monster kept slapping me upside the head - - the computer locked up, the PDA and new cell phone stopped working and any help to get these working again costs big bucks. I never thought I’d miss an IT department. J But funnier is going to a gas pump for the first time and forgetting how to pump my own gas and having to read the instructions again feeling like a dorcas as others watched me wondering why I was so slow. Same thing happened when I tried to use Wal-Mart’s self checkout. I’ve done it a hundred times before but not for the last 14 months. I had a line behind me all trying to help me. It didn’t help that at the same time a woman was trying to get me to tell her where I bought my braclet. I really wanted to talk about my bling because it was a Psalm 23 braclet (helps you remember the verses). But between trying to read the machine and having 2 people pushing buttons for me I told her it was the “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep” braclet…..I use to be able to multi-task but lost that somewhere along the way.
Robert and I drove to Michigan for 13 days of visits with our sons and their family and friends. On the way we were able to stop and see Susan’s two sisters who both live in Texas and good Mercy Ships friends, Mark & Zana Elliott and girls. It was so good to see each and every one. We were able to share our experiences and future plans with our church’s missions council and on another night with about 40 other friends. We were able to get 3 days off aloe with our sons, taking them to Traverse City where we (me) screamed all the way down the water slides and also became human popsicles in Lake Michigan when we went tubing and snorkeling. After having another tearful goodbye with the boys we headed to Missouri to attend my Cousin’s son’s wedding. It was so nice to be among a lot of family all at the same time. Most of the family on my father’s side we actually met for the first time. On the way home we stopped outside Toad Suck Arkansas to a little place called Mayflower (near Little Rock) so visit my father’s gravesite and see the beautiful headstone that has been placed there. It felt like the perfect ending for this trip to see family
I said before we left Liberia that I was going to eat our way from Texas to Michigan and back and then we both would start a diet. I LIED! We are still catching up on some really great foods and loving every minute of it. I actually have THOUGHT about working out but until Robert lands a job that is on the back burner for awhile. For now all the donuts in the Houston area are still in danger.
Today we are sitting in yet another motel room. This time in Port Arthur Texas. I am in the room alone and Robert has found a welding school here that allows him to pay by the hour to practice some of the welding skills he hasn’t gotten to use in many years. This will help him feel more comfortable at the welding tests the companies will give him. He went to an interview the other day and the man chased after him into the parking lot trying to get him to work for them. I’m thinking “What’s the problem with that” but when he told me it was a 6 day/week 12 hour shift mandatory I just told him to run and don’t look back. There is a whole lot more to life than good money, quality of life has a much higher value for the both of us now. Robert is ready to be back to work so that is high on our list of things you can pray for.
I hope you enjoy some of our pictures which can be found at
* Robert would like to work on an offshore oil rig because it would give us the most opportunity to return to Liberia in the future.
* Our Boxer, Sugar, had a malignant tumor removed from her face. Please pray that it was all removed and it will not come back.
* Adjustment, finding the right church, friends, health and finances
Thank you all for your love and friendship.
Faithfully Yours,
Robert & Susan Blanchard