Hot & Cold
We haven't posted in about two weeks partially because there's not much going on very exciting unless you consider budget proposals, night watch on the ship, welding, approving crew members, writing proposal after proposal after proposal fun. If you do, boy do I have a job for you! Actually, Robert has been very sick with an upper respiratory infection. How do you know when a man is really really sick? When he calls for an appointment himself! I don't think he's gotten more than a hour sleep a night for 10 days. He coughs so loud that after I walked across the street today to catch the buss I heard him coughing upstairs in our that's LOUD! The dampness and cold is pretty much unending in the northern part of England and it lends itself to a lot of this sort of problems. In fact, we have probably 10 crew members down with it now and about that many that just got over it. I have been feeling like I'm on the verge of getting it - - just in time for the weekend of course and also one of our roommates is not feeling well.

I thought I'd eat some humble pie and show you a picture Robert took one night it was so cold in our room. We found the front door had been left open that night. About 2am I got up and put on a scarf and cap and pulled the cap down over my eyes to keep out the light so I thought I could sleep longer. You did notice at least it was a Mercy Ship cap - - free publicity.
A friend of ours was working with Robert one day and took some very interesting pictures of him welding on board the ship. She was Robert's fire watch. As such her job is suppose to be to watch the area for potential fire hazards from the sparks but in she is a teacher and as such has more of an inquizzative mind and finds the fires fascinating and stands there watching them

Tonight we have a Swedish friend over to make us dinner. We are having Swedish meatballs - duh! He says it's to pay us back for the months of "just happened to be in the neighborhood" during dinner time that we took pity on him and fed him. You see, he lives in a house of men who don't care if dinner just came out of a can or out of the back of a truck. Stefan is actually a very good cook so I think I'll end this blog and go have a very nice dinner.
Everyone be blessed and may God light your path, give you wisdom and courage to be a light onto the piece of real estate He has placed you, wherever that may be.
Love - Robert & Susan
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