What do these two characters have in common? One is a Roman Solider and the other one is a Roman Soldier Wanna-Be. Your guess as to which is which!
We went to York this past weekend with friends and spent a great day roaming (or Roming) the streets of this great ancient city. Walked where the Romans once ruled, walked along the top of the wall that at that time surrounded their city. If you were to walk the entire wall it would take almost 3 hours so - - you're right - - we opted to walk the wall for 30 minutes and shop, eat and sightsee the rest of the time.
There was another exciting moment this week for the ship. The bow thrusters have stumped our Engineers why they would not work for sometime now and without them we could not pass the required surveyor's tests. We had to re-wire the entire system and low and behold they started up for the first time this week! That is a big PTL. One of my housekeepers got a thrill because she was in the bridge cleaning when the test was run and then was given the priviledge of blowing the ships' horn.Some of you may know already that we are hosting a wonderful young lady from our home church, Christian Celebration Center to come aboard in Ghana in June for the entire summer. It is Jessica Behmlander and we couldn't be more thrilled. She will work for the first month in one of my departments, housekeeping and then mid-July move to a much more exciting job - - that of Dental Sterilizer. In that role she will travel with the dental team to wherever they set up our dental clinic and work directly with the Ghanian patients. What an awesome opportunity for this young woman. I know she will see and experience things she has never see before - - maybe like rat on a stick or dried monkey heads. I expect her already God-given desire for missions will be forever sealed in her this summer. So if you are looking for a great place to invest in Kingdom work here is a young lady with a lot of potential - - place an offering in the collection at church and mark it "Jessica Behmlander Missions Fund". The cost of just the airfare alone is huge and then she is required to pay room and board of $500/month on top of that.
We are doing that thing that I've come to absolutely hate - PACK AGAIN! I don't mind the changing locations as much as the adventure of trying to put everything we own again into now 1 suitcase each. Into Ghana that's all we get. The good (or not so good news) is that Mercy Ships will ship for only $13 a box anything we need sent. I couldn't believe it when we ended up with 8 boxes of personal items and 2 boxes of professional items. We leave England for Ghana on June 7.
Prayer Points
- Safe travel for Jessica and us as we move to Ghana
- Financial support for Jessica
- Continued financial support for us
- Wisdom and courage while keeping the people of my departments the main focus and not tasks
- My friend Fran who has had emergency surgery in Midland
- Godly direction for Mercy Ships in all decisions
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