Meet Fredene Bishop. She is from Canada but born in Barbados. She is my Laundress Extradenare. She is faithful and never complains. Fredene is in her late 60's and still kicking strong. She is a Godly woman who has an amazing testimony about coming out of poverty. About praying for food when there was none, leaving an empty pot outside their door at night, going to bed hungry but always praying and waking up to a full pot. About praying for diapers for her daughter's baby because they were out and still having 3 days till payday and someone stopping by with a box "out of the blue". An amazing woman of faith because God was all she had to cling to.
This is Nicholas (need to get a better picture) Katsui from Kenya. Nicholas' tribal name is Safari. His last name means small leopard. Nicholas is a man of many talents. Friendly, open and can talk your ear off. But the one that blows me away is the fact he speaks more than 6 langues including German, Zulu, Swahaili, Italian, Spainish, French...This is Safari vacuuming one of our lounge areas. He was afraid for me to show you this picture thinking you would all be jealous of the position he holds here and would want to take his place....any takers? Nicholas is also an excellent djimbe (drum) player and is also a clown by nature, a real fun guy to have around.
Meet Rosie Manion. She is from the States and is my hairstylist. Rosie is the one on the right. On the left is the mother of the 1 year old that is getting her hair cut for the first time. Nerveous mothers are all the same anywhere in the world. Rosie has a great heart for people and missions. When not in the hairsalon you will always find her in an orphanage or hospital somewhere. Rosie's mother came with her to serve together with her daughter and even shared a room with her. The mother left after about 2 months leaving Rosie behind to serve for another 3-4 months on her own.
Of course this is not all my crew but since I complained to Communications that Crew Services or other service departments were never in the news on our intranet they did these pictures for me and did a brief story on each and I wanted to share them with you.
Love and Blessings,
Susan, Crew Services Manager
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