I marvel at every day when I wake up and the first thing I think of is that we are in Africa, on a ship and have another day to glorify God. How awesome is that? Do I sound like a kid or what? I think you can tell by these pictures that we are getting into the swing again of being in Ghana. Fred is trying desperately to teach 4 white women how to play the African drum called the Djembe (pronounced Jimbay) I'm just glad this is NOT video with sound because we were and still are very very pitiful.
But what about these kids! Pam and I went to Pantang Village one afternoon to teach them that beekeeping could be a good thing for their village. That honey is high in protein and the products from honey can make a lot of different products they could use or sell for profit. The Mercy Team had already trained one of their women in the village to be a certified beekeeper and now we went to encourage the village to support her in her activities - - there is a natural fear of bees amongst the villages. When Pam and I got out of the car, like in every place we go, children come out of the woodwork. So we broke out in song and skits and the kids followed along. I played follow the leader and it was like herding cats because staying in a line is a foreign concept but we did it African style....all glumped together. I think you can tell by my face I was enjoying every minute. Ever wonder how you show a movie in the middle of the bush in Africa? Y

Robert went to an orphanage last weekend to erect 4 swings and 2 teeter totters at an orphanage. This orphanage has only 30 kids currently but has plans of increasing to 300! Now that's a lot of kids and then they'll need more equipment. They already broke one of the teeter totters because we never thought they'd try to put 5 on a side. I guess the next one made will be out of steel pipe.
Check out the pictures under "New Photos" as I'm now having trouble getting more pictures to load in the text - - I'm not complaining but that's the problem when you live on a ship, if more than 2 other people are trying to do the same thing we are all kinda hung up for awhile.
I'll share with you next time our trip with Jessica to a beautiful waterfall called Akeaa and a live demonstration we got at an African bead designer. I guess a live demonstration is better than a dead one and what else would you expect here but African beads - Michigan beads just doesn't sell well here!
- A long-term librarian with great computer skills
- A full housekeeping staff (we've been working for about a month with 3 short)
- The church of Ghana to catch the vision that it is their responsibility to help the poor
- Release of the Africa Mercy from the shipyard in Newcastle UK
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