Okay, I must admit that everytime someone on the ship prays for the "Village People" I have a real hard time not laughing. My mind just wonders to the song YMCA.

I never cease marveling at where God has us. The date on the picture is wrong. This was this past week in a village called Keum about an hour and a half north of the ship. A friend of mine works there every day and I had the awesome priviledge of going there with her one day. We did a prayer walk around because she is very concerned about the spiritual life of this village. Her fear was confirmed that the local "Christian" church of this village has combined voodoo and animistic practicies, beliefs an

d ritiuals in with Christianity - - very typical in Africa. They cover all their bases. I was able to talk to the children while there about a jealous God who will have no other gods before him. I introduced Pam to the Bishop of the Pastor's Training School that my department is trying to raise money for. He is sending out one of his female pastors as a undercover scout to see exactly what is going on in this church. Then he expressed a desire to get the local pastors into his training to correct the incorrect theology he preaches. Pam has also hooked up two other local Ghanian men strong in the Lord to come and work inside the village. One te

aching latrine and building construction and the other one working in a children's program. It is great to be able to start sustainable programs, get local churches and people involved to continue the work after we leave. Please pray for the spiritual eyes of this village and surrounding area to be open to the truth.
After only 3 short months Robert has been promoted up the fire team ladder from Asst. Hose & Gear to Head Hose & Gear to Standby Firefighter to full fledged firefighter. Also, this past week he got to be the Manager for the welding, machine and plumbing departments while the manager was away. He will take on the responsibility again in October for 6-8 weeks. It was quite funny after one day of "herding cats" in his department he said to ME -- "you just don't understand how much work it is being manager"!!!! WHAT? I got a real good laugh over that one. At the rate of promotion we figure it will only be another 6 months before he will be on the Board of Mercy Ships.
- Time to properly rest and be refreshed
- Management skills for Robert
- Ministry opportunities among the crew
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