May 3, 2007
EIGHT MORE SLEEPS! But who’s counting? Although it has been a hard decision to leave Mercy Ships the process has been gradual over the past year and we can honestly say now that we are on the other side of sad and are looking forward to coming home with great expectation and excitement.

AFM, holding multiple sales to rid ourselves of unnecessary things we can’t get in the luggage anyway, helping with the planning and managing for the move of departments, training my very capable replacements, wrapping up the three different off-ship ministries we are involved in and now in the last few days the packing process. Boy was that a run-on sentence. Sorry.
Anastasis on left, Africa Mercy on right
The more gut-wrenching part of this process is tearing yourself away from friends on the ship, especially our original classmates that joined with us 3 years ago – of which there are 13. But there are other classmates no longer on the ship that we will very much miss but plans of a reunion are still floating around in my mind.
The other hard part is now leaving the Liberian friends we have made along the way. Especially those in the orphanages. This is the time that Trusting God to continue the work we only stepped into for a brief time is where faith hits the pavement. As is African culture, if you have made a significant contribution to their village they honor you with a dressing ceremony. Robert and I have two this coming week, one from each orphanage we have worked at. Although you tell them it is not necessary, it is for them! They will print a program with our names in it, have singing and dancing, food and then they gown you in new African clothes. That’s my favorite part!
The older boys at the orphanage that the Mersfelders and we help set up in business are doing well. It is hard work, long days - - but that’s okay, it keeps them out of trouble and also is providing a place for them to study for the placement exams that are coming up at the end of July. The children that are on our list to get support for their education next year are excited, and studying, helping each other with math questions and reading to each other. We have given them each good youth bibles and tell them that is the best reader they could ever have.
This will be the last e-newsletter you should receive while we are still in Africa as I suspect the next 8 days will be crammed pretty full of activities of leaving. It has been our pleasure to bring you along on our travels and letting you see how God works on this side of the ocean. We will write once we are home and let you all know we are safe and indeed in God’s will, ready to serve again - - this time in the U.S. (after a brief rest of course)
For pictures and articles on the arrival of the Africa Mercy, the torch passing ceremony from the Anastasis to the Africa Mercy and the visit by Madame President of Liberia please click here:
For more pictures of our last few weeks click here and start viewing starting at May 11:
*BIG ONE – the flight out of Liberia will not be canceled or late. We would have to stay another week!
*Joy in the midst of all the business - - time to enjoy friends.
*Continued involvement by others in the orphanages that we love
*Godly development of the children in those orphanages
*For the children with health issues – eyes, tumor, urinary, scabies
*For our re-entry. Re-entry is a very difficult thing for those who have been in the field. *There are many books written on the subject. Hopefully, being aware of the pitfalls will help us move quicker through the process - - PRAY!
Love and Great Thanks for being our friends,
Robert & Susan Blanchard
Missionaries to West Africa (for now)
Ambassors for Christ – (always)
Robert and Susan,
My wife & I have followed your adventure with great joy over the last 18 months or so. It has been an honour to be so informed of what you've been up to as His representatives there. We are in the middle of all the thnigs to do prior to attending Gateway in August, so alas will probably never meet on this earth...but then, Our God is a Great Big God, so who knows?!
With all our prayers for your future,
Tony Royston & Family (UK)
Hey Susan and Robert - be sure and keep in touch! I will be at the IOC June 14-24 so let me know if you have any plans to come through at that time. Then I'll be heading to Nashville! Blessings on you as you 'transition' and if you need a friend who's walked (walking) through it, let me know! hugs and prayers! Alberta
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